Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I Really Can't Believe it...

I really can't believe my little boy will be 3 years old tomorrow, or maybe I can. It's funny how quickly your kids grow up, yet how it also seems like they've always been around. It's hard to imagine life without Conner.

I love how he lives life to the fullest. I won't lie...the first 2 1/2 yrs of his life were a challenge. He didn't sleep (I'm sure you all remember that), he has always been opionated and likes to be in charge. Yet, I have learned so much from being his mother. I have been stretched and stretched in so many ways.
Conner January 2009
January 2010

Conner has become such a sweet little boy these past few months. My little friend. Sometimes (ok, a lot of times!!), it's been hard to never get a break, but I am increasingly greatful for this fleeting time I have with my little guy. I'm sure no one ever looks back and wishes they had spent less time with their kids.

I think what's harder to believe than the fact that Conner is turning 3, is that it has been almost 4 years since I found out I was pregnant. Now that is crazy.


  1. He's so adorable!! It never ceases to amaze me how fast little kids grow up. Seems like yesterday our nephew was born, and now he's 2!

  2. happy birthday conner!!! what a personality! love all these pictures.
