Sunday, October 10, 2010

Painting Fun

I found some little paint kits in the Target dollar bins. Conner loves to paint. I saved them for an afternoon when we desperately needed something fun to do=) Shep has never painted, so he was very excited. I explained that the animals were ceramic, so they would break if dropped. Shep didn't quite get it. He was much more excited about the paint part and promptly discarded his giraffe on the ground giving it a skull fracture. Fortunately, it was salvageable.

Conner very carefully painted his lion.

Shep very carefully painted his giraffe and his fingers...

I ran inside for something and this is what I saw when I came back out.

Guess he decided to sneak a taste or maybe he wanted to be Joker.

Conner was so cute and serious. Best two dollars I've spent in awhile! It kept them occupied for thirty minutes and anyone with little ones knows how long afternoons can get!=)

1 comment:

  1. i am so glad you discovered my blog so that i could discover yours!!! i could so relate to all your posts. having two kids two and a half years apart is totally wearing me out, so i really don't know how you've managed to survive without going crazy!!
    we should totally get together!! mondays and thursdays are our "free" days (the days when annie doesn't have school and i don't have bible study.)
