Here's his 4 year old stats:
Height: 42 in (75-90%)
Weight: 40.6 lbs (75%)
When the doctor walked in he said, "Hi Dr. Shah, shots or no shots?" I had already braced him for the fact he probably had to get a few big boy shots today. He showed the doctor how he could write his name and was charming. He told the doctor that he had joints in his arms and legs and demonstrated how he would move without them. Then he told her that your brain sends messages to the rest of your body. Guess he wanted to make sure she was up on her stuff. He had told me he was going to close his eyes during the shots and pretend they were He forgot about that plan when the time came and got a little dramatic. As we left the clinic he exclaimed, "I hate shots. I really, REALLY hate them."
Shep was trying to do absolutely everything he could to get attention. He was hitting himself on the head and falling to the floor. They he started fake coughing, because I'm sure he thought, "The doctor will definitely pay attention to me if I'm coughing." That boy has grown a lot. At 2 3/4 yrs he's already bigger than Conner was at 3. He measured in at just under 39 in and 36.8 lbs.
Conner and Shep aren't the only ones that are growing. Baby #3 seems to be doing some growing himself/herself. I have a feeling my last appointment was the last time I'll see the 120's for awhile:) This picture was from Sunday marking 28 wks. Can't believe I'm already going to to the doctor every 2 wks now.
Molly you look so pretty in your picture! Will you be finding out boy or girl, or will it be a surprise?