Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lots of Cuteness

I better write some of these stories and saying before I forget...I'm already forgetting.

Conner and I were reading this morning. He saw a bar of soap and said it was, "Scrubbery" Guess he combined slippery and scrub.

There is TONS of pollen around our apartment. The parking lot is full of little pollen mounds, which I think is quite gross. The cars are all covered with yellow film. Conner was kicking the pollen around this morning and asked me, "What is it?" I told him it was called pollen and it makes people sneeze. Now whenever he sees it he says, "Pollen...makes people sneeze. He then demonstrates, "ACHOOOOO!!" Shep can fake sneeze, too. It's quite hilarious.

The boys were outside playing. I wanted to take them for a little walk before bath time. I was telling Shep to come inside because we were going to go for a "little" walk. Conner immediately responded, "A LOOONNNGG walk".

I made Jamaican Jerk Chicken for dinner. Conner kept calling the brown rice "fries" for some reason. I'll let him think rice is fries...haha

Conner's imagination has really took off lately. It's very entertaining. The other night he was telling me there was a crocodile in his bed and that it bites people?? He wasn't scared or telling that to try to get out of sleeping, he was just telling me about it. When we were at the Dollar Tree there was an aisle with lots of fake plants and flowers. He was telling me how there were animals back there hiding in the bushes and he was looking for them. I gave Conner some ice water and he replied, "MMMMMmmmm, this is good coke!" Which is funny because we don't drink coke hardly ever. I think it's because he has dubbed anything we are drinking that he can't drink as "Coke" and I guess he wants to drink it.

The other night he announced out of the blue that he was "Super Conner". He wanted me to tie a blanket around his shoulders. The I had to have a cape too and be super Mommy. Believe me, I have NOT felt like a super Mommy lately. We had to fly around the house. He got that one from Dora. The map was "Super Map" with a cape in one episode. It's just funny to me that he understands all that. You wonder sometimes how much your kids are actually comprehending, ya know?

Ok, now sweet Shep's turn. Shep is learning our little routine. He gets positively giddy to go outside. If I get my keys out or walk towards the door he starts dancing up and down. He knows all the things he and Conner play. He loves to play with cars and will drive them all the places Conner does. It's so cute.

Shep is a food guy. If anyone is eating, he has to eat, even if he just did. He'll go over to his high chair and try to get in. He can't handle the grocery store. As soon as we get there is starts crying for all the food. Today I was attempting to cook some dinner in the afternoon. Conner had actually fallen asleep believe it or not. I got an onion out of the pantry and then got a knife and a cutting board. Shep noticed immediately and started walking/crawling over to me as fast as he could crying for some. I tried to tell him he didn't really want any onion. I got some raisins out and tried to give him one, but he threw it on the floor. He knew I was cutting something up and it wasn't raisins. I finally just gave him a piece. I thought, he'll see that raw onion isn't exactly the most appetizing thing to eat. I waited for him to spit it out or make a face. Instead he just grinned, buried his head in my shoulder and then wanted some more!! That boy. Maybe he'll be our Chef!

God is so kind to give me these little precious moments. This has been a hard week. Third night in a row of Zack being gone...3 more to go. The past three days have been exhausting and discouraging. Last night Conner fell asleep at 10:30 (so did I!) and got up at 6 am. I just feel like I NEVER get a break, since he keeps the same hours I do...haha. Here's a good example for you. Moms can't even go to the bathroom alone. The other day the boys were playing cars, like usual and I snuck away to use the restroom. It wasn't 5 seconds before Conner came in and said, "I found you, Mommy!!"

I tried a new bedtime routine tonight. Dinner-playtime-walk-bath-books and bed. We'll see how it goes. I was hoping the combination of a walk and a bath would calm them. Shep fell asleep no problem. I think Conner is still awake, but he's been in his room very quietly. No yelling or drama tonight. Will you pray that I'll have a break-through soon?


  1. This is exactly the kind of stuff I keep on my blog - otherwise I *will* forget it (I'm exhausted and OLD...the combo is deadly). I know how you feel - like you never get a break. Harrison usually goes to bed late and is the child who wakes me in the mornings. I've given birth to myself. :) I have to laugh about Shep and the onion. Annie is my child who *loves* raw onion. If Brad or I are cutting them for dinner, she sneaks some. I can always tell because she'll run off, then come back into the kitchen wanting to kiss us. Literally, the girl will take a bite out of a whole onion like it's an apple. She's also the child who will eat jalapeno peppers. Seriously!!

    I'm praying now that Conner went to sleep without drama and you have been able to rest. Sounds like you had a good plan.

  2. Molly! You are a blogger too!! What fun! I noticed your little face on my follower list and thought YOU must have a blog too! After I did a little facebook hunting I found it! Your boys sounds too cute!! I can't wait to meet them!
