Sunday, February 5, 2012

fun with words

Saw a fun word/sentence structure game in a magazine. I took the boys' duplo blocks and wrote simple words on them. It was a big hit. Conner, like most little boys, loves anything with a silly element and wasn't too concerned that is "sentences" made any sense.

Shep didn't quite get the concept and just built things. He ended up taking most the blocks that said, "a", "an" and "the", which made it a little difficult for Conner and I. He said he built an "ant cave".

Saturdays can get pretty long for me with Zack working most the day and evening. I've enjoyed the boys being at the age where we can do fun little games like this. It breaks up the day a little and adds some variety!

Any fun game ideas you've done recently?

1 comment:

  1. We've been playing with straws....making shapes, practicing counting and whatever else Finley makes up. Drew a large floor map on brown packing paper to play with our cars on....has our house, the playground, school, grocery store, parking lots, etc. I know it takes a lot of creativity to fill the time!
